

A presentation by Alan Jinich by Max Strickberger
Alan Jinich, Max Strickberger
Dec 7, 2021 at - | Arts Café

Generation Pandemic is an oral history archive that documents the impact of COVID-19 on young adults in America. During the spring of 2021, ALAN JINICH by MAX STRICKBERGER conducted over 80 interviews with 18–25 year olds, meeting people across 16 states and 7,300 miles. The archive explores how the pandemic has exacerbated tensions intrinsic to young adulthood, highlighting how uncertainty has influenced major life decisions and future plans. Stories reveal generational themes of sudden movement and entrapment, delayed independence, introspection, and attempts at self-realization.

ALAN JINICH by MAX STRICKBERGER are seniors at the University of Pennsylvania studying neuroscience and English, respectively. They’ve been close friends since childhood and grew up on the same street outside of Washington, DC. If you have any questions or have a story you’d like to share, reach out at strickm@sas.upenn.edu and jinich@sas.upenn.edu.

Find Generation Pandemic: here