Dick Polman

Dick Polman is the Maury Povich Writer in Residence, a member of the CPCW faculty, and writes a newsletter each week at dickpolman.substack.com. His previous work, as a political columnist, is archived at dickpolman.net. Dick was a 22-year staff writer on The Philadelphia Inquirer, where he covered five presidential campaigns as the paper’s national political writer and columnist; he helmed the London bureau as a foreign correspondent; he covered the Philadelphia Phillies as a baseball beat writer; he was a roving national correspondent; and as a regular contributor to the Inquirer’s Sunday magazine, he wrote long-form pieces on everything from Nazi war criminals to the comeback of the condom. He has written 33 pieces on national politics for The Atlantic, and has free-lanced for Politico MagazineSmithsonian Magazine, and the Knight Foundation. Before moving to Philadelphia, he wrote three columns a week for The Hartford Courant, and was the founding editor of an alternative newspaper, the Hartford Advocate, where he also wrote a weekly column. Dick attended George Washington University, where he served as managing editor of the college newspaper, and graduated with a BA in public affairs in 1973. He first came to Penn in 1999, when he audited classes during a one-semester fellowship, and he started teaching at Penn in 2003. In public events at the Kelly Writers House, he hosts as many as six prominent journalists a year - his happy routine since 2006. Dick lives in Center City, his son is a senior projects manager at Comcast HQ, and his daughter is a website designer based in West Philadelphia.

Courses Taught

ENGL 3417.301 Political Journalism 

ENGL 3408.301 Long-Form Journalism 

ENGL 3421.301 Political Journalism: The Presidential Election   

ENGL 3420.301 Political Journalism: The Presidential Primaries   

ENGL 3413.301 Advanced Journalistic Writing: Journalistic Storytelling   

ENGL 3417.301 Political Journalism: The '22 Midterm Congressional Elections   

ENGL 159.301 Political Journalism at the Crossroads   

ENGL 158.301 Journalistic Storytelling   

ENGL 162.301 Political Journalism: The Biden Era   

 ENGL 161.301 Art of the Profile   

ENGL 159.301 Political Commentary Writing: The Presidential Election   

ENGL 162.301 Political Commentary Writing: The Presidential Primaries      

ENGL 159.301 Political Journalism: Prelude to the 2020 Presidential Race   

ENGL 162.301 Political Commentary Writing: The Congressional Midterms   

ENGL 159.301 Political Writing in the Digital Age   

ENGL 159.301 Writing about the Presidential Election   

ENGL 159.301 Political Writing in the Digital Age: The 2014 Midterm Elections   

ENGL 159.301 Political Writing in the Blog Age   

ENGL 162.301 The 2012 Presidential Election   

ENGL 162.301 The 2012 Republican Primaries   

ENGL 162.301 The 2010 Congressional Elections   

ENGL 159.301 Political Commentary Writing in the Blog Age      

ENGL 158.301 Advanced Journalistic Writing   

ENGL 159.301 Political Commentary: Blogging about the New Presidency   

ENGL 162.301 The 2008 Presidential Election   

ENGL 162.301 The 2008 Presidential Primaries   

ENGL 145.302 Advanced Non-Fiction Writing