A Forest on Many Stems

Laynie Browne
Nightboat Books
"This generous anthology will have a place on the shelves of literature professors and grad students."—Publishers Weekly
"A Forest on Many Stems successfully captures the craft and intent that went into a kaleidoscope of poet’s novels, each of them unique yet united by their author’s desire to create a new space within narrative for their words and, in some cases, their existence. As a poet interested in the possibilities of narrative, this is a book that I realized I desperately needed on my shelf after reading the first page, and I imagine many poets, students, and critics will feel similarly."—Katya Buresh, Full Stop
"Whether engaged in close reading, philosophical discussion, literary discourse or theoretical deconstruction, this book articulates and extends that conversation. It is a challenging, focused and exciting read."—Rupert Loydell, Tears in the Fence