with Excelano poet Kendall Finley

Whenever We Feel Like It series
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LUKE BLOOMFIELD is a poet based in Northampton, Massachusetts where he teaches in the English department at Smith College. His book of poems, Russian Novels, was published in 2014 by Factory Hollow Press, which also published his chapbook, The Duffel Bag, in 2011. James Tate once described Bloomfield's poetry as a "writhing monster of well-being," and Publisher's Weekly writes that his poems "retain a bizarre tenderness that tap at the mystery of existence." Bloomfield's poems have been featured in jubilat, Barrelhouse, LIT, iO Poetry, Souvenir, The Poetry Society of America, and elsewhere, and have been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes. He is a graduate of the MFA Program for Poets and Writers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he also received his BA in French and Philosophy.