The Age of Huts (compleat)

Ron Silliman
University of California Press
“In Silliman’s hands, language—so often manipulated for political coercion and economic gain—is restored to its most mechanical, primal functions, upending our ideas of the poem and of the sentence, and reawakening us to what it is we’re doing when we’re reading, writing, thinking.”—Rob Schlegel, Boston Review
"It would be impossible to overestimate the importance of Ron Silliman's Age of Huts; it was ground-breaking when it first began to appear, piecemeal, a quarter of a century ago, and it remains a revolutionary work today. With its proliferative architecture, its encyclopedic arc, and its endlessly inventive methodology, The Age of Huts, with virtually every sentence, renews its engagement with the world."—Lyn Hejinian
"For readers who have not read Silliman before, The Age of Huts is a fine place to start.”—David Huntsperger, Rain Taxi