
Ron Silliman
The Figures
"It’s true we need another Allen Ginsberg. Unfortunately, I don’t see one on the horizon, unless Ron Silliman can get himself arrested."—Keith Tuma
"Of all the Language Poets, Silliman’s express-line writing was and is the one that stuck to my ribs. It was so thingy, so specific, so formally radical, so hard-headed, yet witty, and now and then, in spite of itself, lyric. I liked his post-industrial music. I loved Ketjak and Tjanting and Paradise … And the reach – the compulsion to pull everything in."—C.D. Wright
"Silliman’s writing is fun to read: Its pleasure lies in the gradual unfolding of intricate forms and in the mix of puns, declarations, sounds and sights from our daily environment, the range of references from philosophy to baseball."—Hank Lazer