Matt Katz

Matt Katz is an investigative reporter and public radio host who has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and podcasts for more than two decades, reporting on everything from local school boards to presidential elections to natural disasters. For many years he covered former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, first for The Philadelphia Inquirer and then WNYC public radio, winning a Peabody Award for a series of stories about the Bridgegate scandal that rocked Christie's political career. Katz's book American Governor: Chris Christie's Bridge to Redemption was published by Simon & Schuster in 2016. 

Before covering state and national politics, he spent time in Afghanistan, writing a series for The Philadelphia Inquirer on failed American reconstruction efforts there that won the Livingston Award for International Reporting for young journalists. Katz has also reported extensively on immigration, uncovering abuse in ICE detention centers and traveling to Malawi and Japan to report on the global refugee crisis for The Atlantic, NPR, PBS, and The New York Times. His journalism has also been featured in The Washington Post, Politico Magazine, and The New Republic. Once upon a time, he wrote a nationally syndicated dating column. Now, he reports on air at WNYC and NPR about policing and incarceration, and recently won a Sidney Award for obtaining never-before-scene images of squalid conditions at jails on Rikers Island in New York. 

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