Fran Blanche, Camae Ayewa, Diane Foglizzo, & Maria Raha, Moderated by Cynthia Schemmer - hosted by: Amanda Silberling
Jan 27, 2016
Women are everywhere in music – Sleater-Kinney turned the rock world on its axis with their long-awaited reunion, Adele's new album smashed sales records left and right, and Nicki Minaj changed what it means to…
How does a tradition of poetry predicated on the metaphor of scientific investigation respond to a nation of continually increasing diversity as the world heats up & institutions melt down? Ron Silliman’s writing…
Come hear Kea Edwards, Sophia Lee, Meg Pendoley, Kaitlin Moore, Casey Lynch, and David Silbert read highly original short stories created in Karen Rile’s English 115 Advanced Fiction Writing Class. Our work is…